The Limited-Edition Y-T-O Window Static-Cling & Bonus Sticker!

The Limited-Edition Y-T-O Window Static-Cling & Bonus Sticker!

You’ve discovered the new 95-5 Y-T-O. That makes you an “Original Fan.” You’ve gotta have this! Limited to a printing of 200. A 3×3 high quality static-cling. Static-clings hold firmly to any window or auto glass surface without using adhesive. Perfect to dress up your classy car or truck, with no sticky mess.  Plus, Y-T-O…

Talk to Us

Talk to Us

We’d be honored to put your greeting, compliment, or shout-out on the air everywhere on 95-5 Y-T-O.Use the Voice Memo recorder on your mobile device to record a message. Please don’t use speaker-mode.  For this to be air-worthy, we need your recording to be “on the mic” so it is broadcast-quality.Email your message to…